Poslední Akce

Teacher Competence and the Combat Against Misinformation

Akademie věd ČR Národní 1009/3, Praha 1

Přednáškový cyklus Věda kontra iracionalita Českého klubu skeptiků Sisyfos uvádí: Teacher Competence and the Combat Against Misinformation There is an urgent need for improved teacher training worldwide in order to better equip educators and their students with the essential critical thinking skills. This is critical to survive in an interconnected world where viral disinformation and […]


“The Swedish Experiment” A Covid strategy unlike any other

Akademie věd ČR Národní 1009/3, Praha 1

Přednáškový cyklus Věda kontra iracionalita Českého klubu skeptiků Sisyfos uvádí: “The Swedish Experiment” - A Covid strategy unlike any other Sweden’s approach to the covid pandemic has received scathing criticism from domestic and foreign sources alike. Was it a success or a giant failure? Did the authorities play Russian roulette with the lives of its […]


Billrothhaus, Vienna Billrothhaus Frankgasse 8, Vienna

Program Thursday, 8 September 2022   20:00 – 22:00 Skeptical Quiz Learn more here Friday, 9 September   9.00 – 10.00 Registration   10:00 – 12:00 The Skeptical Movement in Europe (Panel)    Chair: Claire Klingenberg Massimo Polidoro András Gábor Pintér Pontus Böckman Annika Harrison Amardeo Sarma Claudia Preis Alice Howarth   12:00 – 14:00 Lunch Break   14:00 – 16:00 Dealing […]
